Achieve Joint Synergy with simple accessible movements, which can increase mobility and blood flow, bringing warmth and flexibility.

By Simon Borg-Olivier - MSc BAppSc (Physiotherapy) APAM c-IAYT

Anyone can do my Joint Synergy practice, imagine stress-free fun exercise that gives strength, flexibility and fitness, and internal health? It is especially good for people over 40.

In this free program, I show safe, accessible and effective positions and movements of the nine (9) main joint-complexes (ankles, knees, hips, lower back, upper back, neck, shoulders, elbows, and wrists).

The main problems that can be addressed with this program include:

  • the need to improve energy levels and circulation of blood (without needing to increase the heart rate to do so).

  • the need to reduce joint pain and impaired joint function and increase joint strength and mobility.

  • the need to address the health of the immune, digestive, and reproductive systems, and

  • the need to remove mental stress to more easily adopt a default state of contentment in daily life.

This Free Introductory version of the program gives you a simple explanation of of my full ‘Joint Synergy’ program.

Includes video demonstration

Please also note that JOINT SYNERGY is a key part of my


What other people are saying...

I’ve been studying with Simon for 9 years and the wealth of knowledge and experience he’s sharing so generously just cannot stop. I have also trained with him and the early morning classes started with joint synergy exercises which were kind of a moving meditation that’s always been more effective for me than sitting ones. And now this has been turned into a whole program that I can practice with Simon from home. I got into the habit of starting my day with joint synergy to energise myself, but I also do these sequences before I go running or climbing. The joint synergy sequences get me in the zone, I become warmed up and energised and it makes so much easier to do my high-intensity exercise regime.

Andrea, 32, UK

I was in a car accident a few years ago that shattered my right shoulder and I had to wear a neck brace for month. Recovery was slow, I still have to be careful with what I do and how I do it, especially that I am in my fifties. I used to practice with Simon back in NewTown ten years ago, and I miss him ever since he left. But sadly, I cannot do too intense a yoga practice anymore. I started doing his Joint Synergy Program that not only helps my aching joints but it also makes me feel stronger while improving my poor circulation. Thank you, Simon!

Stacey, 53, Sydney

I have been doing Yoga Synergy for quite a few years, but Simon’s classes and workshop are always so jam-packed with valuable info that it always takes month to digest all the theory and apply it to my practice. And because Simon himself is continually evolving his practice and teachings, there’s always a lot that I still don’t understand, but this Joint Synergy program clarified so many things for me that I feel I am doing his yoga sequences much more efficiently because of the understanding this course gave me.

Leo, 42, Spain

I used to be a gymnast and dancer before I came to yoga. My first yoga class was with Simon in Tel Aviv, and I have never experienced a movement system like his. I have been suffering from back pain for 5 years, but his circular movements don’t just make me feel stronger without feeling stressed out, but made it much easier to do any other movement system and use the Joint Synergy principles in any type of exercise.

Tal, 34, Israel

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