Simon Borg-Olivier 7-Day Retreat: 28 Sep - 4 Oct 2024;

Byron Bay Shire, Australia, (Retreats are also planned for later in 2024, but the specific dates are yet to be announced. Dates can sometimes be pre-arranged in advance upon request)


My workshops & retreats generally include static to dynamic meditative practices of posture, movement & breath work, including Qigong (chi-gung), Neigong and most styles of Hatha Yoga. They also contain elements of dance, non-contact martial arts, self-massage and exercise-based physiotherapy. Following is more details on the general format of the course and its logistics:

CLASS TIMES: The classes generally run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with about one hour in the middle for theory and discussion (please bring your own drink and food if you wish to eat).


Morning Sessions:

Morning sessions are usually about three hours long. They often begin with some breathwork with sound and chanting, leading to a seated meditation practice. Next are joint movements originating from your body's core. Then, I usually teach a spinal movement practice followed by some seated breathwork. The morning session usually concludes by integrating these practices into a fluid, dynamic, meditative session. These practices enhance energy and blood circulation while staying completely relaxed and supporting immune health.

Afternoon Sessions:

Afternoon sessions are usually about 3 hours long. In these sessions, I use the energetic aspects of the morning practice to develop a yoga posture, movement, and breathing practice. This aligns with the YogaSynergy system we developed in coordination with our understanding as exercise-based physiotherapists over the last 30 years. These practices build strength, flexibility and fitness while maintaining the energy and inner peace of the meditative state, akin to the elite athlete's zone or flow state.

Each part of the teaching is initially taught with verbal instructions and then repeated as a visually-guided meditative practice to various types of music.

CLASS SIZE: Our beautiful geodesic Dome is limited in size, and I like to make these retreats very personal, so the numbers are limited to 12 people only. Please book in early so as not to miss out on your space.

COST (for training only): AUD$1350 (or AUD$200 per day if space is available for partial enrolment)

PARTIAL ENROLMENT: If your time is limited and you would only like to do a part of this retreat, then subject to space, I accept people who are new to working with me to come for the first few days, but they cannot enrol for the last few days of the course. People who have worked with Simon significantly can attend any training days. This is also subject to space and availability.


Possum Creek (20 minutes drive from Byron Bay), Australia

NB, we only have an outdoor pit toilet. Our dome has an excellent new air-conditioning system.


You need to arrange your accommodation and food for this week. There are many places to stay locally. Camping on our property is also possible, but facilities are limited. The nearest shops are in Bangalow, which is a 10-minute drive away. Having a car is the best option, but I regularly go to the shops, and I can often help with transport if needed.



I share a system of gentle movements, a dynamic meditative practice that puts you in the flow state of an elite athlete without any of the physical stresses that are usually part of most people's exercise. My system is based on my 25 years as a physiotherapist and 40 years Hatha Yoga and Qigong teacher. This practice is less like a workout and more like a work-in. Imagine feeling more energised, calmer, and happier after each gentle session and having all the pain in your body dissolve. Regular practice allows you to sleep well, digest well, and rarely get sick. 



Simon Borg-Olivier, MSc, BAppSc (Physiotherapy), APAM c-IAYT, has taught and studied traditional posture, movement, breathing, and meditation, with great masters from Tibet, Japan, India, and China for more than 40 years. Simon is a physiotherapist, research scientist, and university lecturer. He has often been invited to teach at conferences internationally since 1990. He is also co-director of YogaSynergy, one of Australia’s oldest yoga schools. Simon combines modern medical science with traditional practices to create loving connections within the self for internal health and happiness as a model for how we are in the world.


Thanks to Tara D CruZ Noble for the photo of me in my Geodesic Dome.