
Strengthening & Energising Posture & Movement for all Ages

Strengthening & Energising Posture & Movement for all Ages

April 22, 20242 min read

Strengthening and energising posture and movement for all ages

In this video, Simon is teaching a simple sequence of safe, accessible and effective spinal movements that have a beneficial effect for your physical body (enhancing muscle and joint health, relieving back pain), your physiological body (enhancing energy levels, immunity etc) and your mental body (improving meditative calmness and focused alertness).

The actual instructed practice begins at 1 min 50 sec. This is followed by a smooth meditative 4-minute visually instructed practice (no verbal instructions) from 10 min 20 sec.


As you follow this practice, remember there are three things that you should focus on

1. Firstly, your primary purpose is to create healthy connections within your body by enhancing blood flow while remaining as calm as possible and nourishing your muscles and joints.

2. Secondly, you must stop doing the things that block blood flow and create stress. This means that you stretch less, tense less, breathe less, and think less than you are able to do because these four things can block the flow of blood and add to the stress in your body-mind.

3. Thirdly, do the four things that will help to move ‘good energy’ (healthy blood flow) and ‘loving information’ (a dominance of your ‘rest, rejuvenation and relaxation response’), which are: – Move actively – from your core (don’t lock your core) – while breathing naturally – and with flow (fluidly).

In the second half of this video, I repeat the sequence with no verbal instructions and make a single-click sound that suggests I’m moving from one position to the next. You are welcome to follow me subject to feeling safe in your body.

This kind of practice is good for everyone at any age, even seniors, provided you don’t overstrain. HERE is an article that quotes what I am saying and also mentions other practices that can be great for seniors

CAUTION: Only do what feels good for you physically, physiologically and mentally. Remember never to force anything in your practice of posture, movement, breathing and mental control. It must not feel in any way uncomfortable. Do not over-tense or over-stretch any of your muscles. Also, be careful not to over-breathe, as this lead to dizziness, nausea, etc. In fact, the less you breathe during any exercise, the better the results generally are on all levels.

If you wish to ask me questions, I recommend joining my monthly membership program. I regularly answer people’s questions on all issues relating to posture, movement, breathing, diet, fasting and nutrition, mental control, and lifestyle. This is available at

You can also check out my other courses here:

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