1. Physical: will guide you in cultivating a pain-free and functional body, ensuring you possess the necessary strength, flexibility, and fitness to excel in your daily tasks with ease and without discomfort.
2. Physiological: Together, we will focus on achieving a balanced and energized state within your nervous system. By nurturing a calm and relaxed demeanor while maintaining ample energy levels, you will gain the ability to combat stress and depression effectively, while enhancing the functional ability of you immune, digestive and reproductive systems.
3. Mental: Through my guidance, you will learn to cultivate a positive relationship between your thinking brain and gut brain. This balanced approach between logical thinking and intuitive feelings will lead to improved mental functioning and a heightened sense of happiness in life.
By addressing these three interconnected aspects of yourself, you will lay the foundation for a holistic and transformative path towards improved well-being, and unlocking your true potential for a fulfilling and joyous life.
I have been studying traditional forms of posture, movement, breathing and mental control for more than 50 years. Over this time I have worked as a research-based scientist, exercise-based physiotherapist and a university lecturer in several science fields. My passion for these subjects has led me to understand that the world is a very connected place. I believe that to make the world a better place people should treat each other, all life and the Earth itself in a way that acknowledges the connections between everything. I believe the best way of beginning this practise is to acknowledge and enhance the connections within yourself.
In my teaching, I show safe, accessible and effective ways of developing practices which can give you the essence of being in connection, or being in the zone or the flow state, as some athletes might say. I believe this state is equivalent to the meditative state that is meant to be part of the traditional yoga but is often lost in modern yoga.
Date: 3-4 September 2024
Location: Gozo, Malta
Date: 6-12 September 2024
Location: Slovenia
Date: 13-15 September 2024
Location: Oxfordshire, UK
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